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لعبة الشاحنات Euro Truck Simulator 2 الكراك مجانا


Euro Truck Simulator 2 is an open world truck simulator game developed and published by SCS Software for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS and was initially released as open development on 18 October 2012.[2] The game is a direct sequel to the 2008 game Euro Truck Simulator and it is the second video game in the Truck Simulator series. The game is non-linear with basic premise of the game being that the player can drive one of a choice of articulated trucks across a condensed depiction of Europe, picking up cargo from various locations and delivering it. As the game progresses, it is possible for the player to buy more vehicles and depots, as well as hire other drivers to work for them.

لعبة الشاحنات Euro Truck Simulator 2 الكراك مجانا

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a truck driving simulator with business management elements. Players drive articulated trucks in an open world rendition of Europe, delivering loads to a designated locations in order to be compensated with money and experience points. The payload must be delivered to the destination within a given amount of time, and with the least amount of damage to the goods as possible, in order to get the most money and experience points possible.[4] Players will have to spend money on refuelling, toll costs in certain countries, and maintenance costs if damage is incurred.

Money earned in the game can be spent on upgrading or purchasing new customizable trucks and ownable trailers, hiring non-player character drivers to take on deliveries, buying more garages and expanding them to accommodate more trucks and drivers.[4] The skills of the drivers hired by the player also grow with experience and the player can create a huge fleet of the trucks, each with the option of having their own trailer, and drivers to drive the fleet, in turn, expanding the business across Europe.

The player gains experience points after each delivery. A skill point is awarded after each level-up. Skill points can be used to unlock deliveries that require different ADR classes, longer distance deliveries, special cargo loads, fragile cargo loads, deliveries that are urgent and eco-driving. This progression allows the player to take on better-paying jobs. The base game features 71 cities in twelve countries, over twenty types of cargo and over fifteen fictional European companies. There are seven items of map downloadable content (DLC) that expand the game to more countries and locations, and multiple other truck and trailer DLCs.

SCS Software has released several other minor expansion packs. Euro Truck Simulator 2 can be enhanced with several paint job packs for trucks, ranging from seasonal repaints to nation-themed repaints.[citation needed]

Other expansion packs expand the game with licensed content from real-life manufacturers: Feldbinder Trailer Pack,[32] Krone Trailer Pack,[33] Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack,[34] with additional tire, wheel and truck parts modifications from Goodyear, HS-Schoch and Michelin. In addition, special tuning packs are available for each truck manufacturer besides Iveco and MAN. These packs add more tuning options, ranging from bullbars to branded mugs[35] to all trucks of the selected brand, except for the Renault tuning pack, which only features new tuning parts for the newest Renault Range T truck.[36]

There are several expansion packs that expand the functionality of the game, including Cabin Accessories DLC (which allows players to personalize their truck interiors), and two DLCs that allow transport of heavy cargo: Heavy Cargo DLC and Special Transport DLC (also available for American Truck Simulator; consisting of even heavier cargo that exceed regular cargo regulations with escort vehicles that will help guide the player deliver cargo at short distances). With this DLC, the dynamic is separate from the regular gameplay. Players can take special jobs, during which they cannot make stops at rest areas, gas stations or deviate away from escort vehicles.[citation needed]

In a review for Destructoid, Jim Sterling praised the game's accessibility, noting how easy the GPS and map features were to use, as well as the option to stream European internet radio, and the multitude of control options available. They also praised the graphics, stating that "[f]rom the shape of the traffic lights to the atmosphere of the backdrops, there's a sense of individuality to each new territory you uncover, and the trucks themselves are lovingly recreated with an intricate level of detail", although they did criticise the AI of the other vehicles on the road.[38]

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