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DESCRIPTION: The Air Force has pressing requirements for operating in contested or degraded environments where intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets cannot operate freely. The Air Force requires high confidence ID for high value targets to protect air crews and to establish air superiority. LiDAR can provide a superior imaging and target identification capability by generating a range profile of a region of interest. However, its effectiveness for air to ground applications is significantly limited by cloud cover, haze or smoke. The ability to send a sensor out from the primary air platform on a SUAS and below potential clouds is an advantage of the expendable, off-board sensing approach. Combined with a persistent passive imaging via mid-wave or long-wave imaging for cueing and situational awareness, this approach leverages the LiDAR to enhance the target ID capabilities of the launching platform.The off-board sensing SUAS is expected to be launched from a Common Launch Tube (CLT) and be non-recoverable. While this platform will be able to maneuver for gross pointing towards the region of interest, the LiDAR system will have to have a form of its own steering, either as a Non-Mechanical Beam Steering (NMBS) or mechanical steering with more conventional approaches like gimbals or mirrors. NMBS is any technology that provides the ability to direct a laser beam without physical movement of the optical elements. The increased prevalence of LiDAR in the autonomous vehicle industry has led to the development of highly cost-effective yet powerful LiDAR systems. It is a goal of this effort to optimize these systems for air to ground usage at significantly longer ranges than are commonly required for autonomous vehicles. The overall SWaP of the LiDAR system should be less than 5 lbs in weight, fit in a 5.5 inch diameter tube with 7 inch depth, and have a maximum power consumption below 40 W. The target cost at production levels for the functional LiDAR system, including the beam steering, should be expected to eventually be below $50k. The integrated LiDAR design should address system level design trades including operational altitude, laser link budget, transmit aperture, receiver aperture, field of regard, spatial and temporal resolution, and processing latency. The resulting data stream shall allow transmission over existing SUAS-capable encrypted digital data links. Hardware solutions may include improved stabilization and pointing accuracy of the system. Novel architectures and designs can be explored to maximize mission flexibility and support evolving concepts of operation. Both monostatic and bistatic systems will be considered. No government furnished equipment (GFE), data, or facilities will be provided.
DESCRIPTION: The DoD, as a whole, is in need of high performance processors that are secure. Many microelectronics IPs are often black box, and thus unable to be verified by outside vendors. For example, both Intel [1] and AMD [2] have black box firmware that governs the entire architecture, and if compromised, compromise the entire processor. IBM released a POWER9 CPU in 2017 (currently in production) that has options of 4, 8, 12, and 22 cores, is on 14 nm FinFET GLOBALFOUNDARIES node size (this means that the CPU is fabbed within the USA). Oak Ridge National Laboratories and Livermore National Laboratories have supercomputers brought online in 2017 based on the performance power of this CPU, and Google has announced they intend on building a datacenter based on the POWER9 CPU. The POWER9 CPU has hardware virtualization extensions, Open Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface (OpenCAPI), PCI Express 4.0, AES/AHS/TRNG hardware acceleration, and modern I/O expected in a relevant, modern, high performance processor. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), and Debian GNU/Linux natively support the POWER9 CPU. The underlying Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is available under an open IP specification, and the foundation that governs the ISA (OpenPOWER foundation) is partnered by several major hardware and software companies, to include Google, IBM, NVIDIA, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and many others.A small business has already shown that a completely open source solution (to include CPU firmware, CPU Microcode, Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), BIOS boot code, power management, etc.) based on a high performance CPU is possible. If integrated with modern weapon systems, this would greatly reduce the risk in having black box software running critical DoD systems. Every aspect of the software can be audited and provided to vendors free of charge, and they are free to modify it as they see fit. This also greatly reduces the chain required to update software, as all of the software is available to make changes, and a baseline level of software can be easily maintained. No government materials, equipment, data, or facilities will be furnished.
DESCRIPTION: The Bonded Repair Center of Excellence (COE) Delegated Engineering Authority (DEA) employs a variety of techniques in the determination of damage extent and optimal repair form. Certain techniques need to be improved upon with the proper utilization of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tools. The majority of repairs conducted by the bonded repair DEA in recent years, conducted in accordance with T.O. 1-1A-81 and T.O. 1-1-6912, are based on historical, experimental data. The DEA has a need for a repeatable analysis methodology with the ability to estimate crack initiation and propagation under fatigue conditions. This methodology should include high-performance computing programs, such as ANSYS3, incorporating available Finite Element Modeling codes. Utilizing this process will improve the quality and effectiveness of repair designs. Additionally, a quantitative description of damages in the form of material removals would grant the DEA the ability to confidently prepare for unconventional repairs. Proper classroom training specifically for bonded repair of aircraft structures will likely be necessary, and should be developed and administered by the same firm. FEA offers a convenient means of obtaining several pieces of valuable information significant to understanding structural performance; these pieces of information include, but are not limited to, Von-Mises stress, engineering strain, and stress concentration factors. With this information, the COE can more effectively evaluate the quality of both common fatigue driven wing plank repairs on aircraft and eventually unconventional repairs on weapon systems, as well. As a result, the Bonded Repair COE will be better equipped to develop a vast array of repairs with a higher degree of confidence and accuracy.
PHASE II: Develop the repeatable crack initiation and propagation prediction methodology to a deployment ready state. Greater ability to analyze the available data and predict damage under expanded conditions will be implemented, developed processes/models will be validated against current standards. The methodology will utilize the FEA software to provide a quantitative description of damages in the form of material removals, and effectively evaluate the quality and effectiveness of unconventional repairs. The goal of the phase II will be a robust, user friendly methodology useable with available FEA software resulting in measurable improvements in the determination and evaluation of a vast array of bonded repair techniques.
DESCRIPTION: The application of composites in primary and secondary load-bearing structures is increasing dramatically thanks to the outstanding, specific mechanical properties of these materials. Composites offer several advantages over other materials such as outstanding stiffness and strength, excellent intra-laminar fracture energy and impact energy absorption capability, superior fatigue behavior and excellent resistance to corrosion. The broad use of composites in military applications has the potential to lead to lighter and damage resistant military vehicles thus reducing operational costs, increasing the range of operation and payloads while improving the safety of soldiers against IEDs. The mechanical performance of laminated, fiber composites and 2D and 3D textile composites may be affected significantly by the damaging and fracturing mechanisms occurring at the micro- and meso-scales. These include e.g. matrix microcracking in shear, fiber failure and pull-out, matrix splitting, kink-band localization in compression and, mixed-mode inter-laminar fracturing among others. The broad use of composites in aviation and aerospace urges the development of computational tools that are capable of capturing such damage and fracturing mechanisms efficiently. Notwithstanding the recent efforts in this area, an established approach that can meet these requirements has not been developed yet. High resolution FEM micromechanical models have been proposed but the number of degrees of freedom does not allow the simulation of practical structures. On the other hand, homogenized models for structural simulations have shown their limitations when it comes to capturing the peculiar damage and fracture mechanics of these materials.The objective of this project is to develop a discrete, mesoscale model for the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) and fragmentation of laminated composite and 2D/3D textile composite structures. There is currently no software that can be used for simulating large composite structures using analytical models and high-performance computing systems in the presence of Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI). Also, most of the current software relies on element deletion/erosion to solve the numerical issues induced by severe element distortion in dynamic simulations such as perforation of a composite panel. This practice typically prevents the correct prediction of the dynamic failure events since important sources of energy dissipation such as e.g. the energy dissipated by friction by the eroded/deleted elements are automatically neglected. Further, since the elements that are mostly damaged are generally removed from the simulation, the extent of the fixtures/craters developed during the failure process is significantly overestimated. This undermines any efforts devoted to an accurate modeling of FSI.Novel discrete modeling approaches such as e.g. Lattice Discrete Models or Finite and Discrete Element Methods have shown great potential for simulating cracking and post-failure behavior of quasibrittle materials including e.g. concrete, rock and ceramics without the need for element erosion. The extension of these theoretical formulations to composites, which feature a very complex heterogeneous mesostructure, has the potential of improving the accuracy of extreme dynamics failure events. This capability will enable organizations to design and optimize large primary and secondary structures made of novel composite materials. The model will also provide an excellent platform for FSI simulation of complex heterogeneous media in the presence of damage. The model will enable designs to account for local situations and requirements and address vulnerability and design issues of composite structures under extreme loading conditions including (i) blast loads on composite structures and protection systems, (ii) shockwave damage in super/hypersonic vehicles and (iii) fragment impacts on composite panels. To increase the accessibility to the model and reduce empiricism, the calibration of the foregoing model using the experimental data shall be performed leveraging state-of-the-art AI techniques. 2ff7e9595c