not sure if I can ask a question like this on Stack Over flow but basically in Arma 3 im currently editing a scenario called Antistasi, I want to remove some weapons from the virtual arsenal, i've got the variable name, but I have tried all the following and it is not removing the desired item.
However if you do that the BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo function to remove weapons does not work. I believe there is a bug when you create a virtual weapon crate with all weapons. I get a half hidden error message when I open the arsenal "BIS_fnc_baseWeapon Class '%All' not found in CfgWeapons".
arma 3 virtual arsenal code
I offer a final warning if you are trying to limit weapons usable by players. The virtual arsenal will always show a weapon or equipment a player currently has on his character. In addition a player can load a loadout they previously saved that may have weapons and equipment you do not want them to have.
To use the virtual arsenal, you need to configure your settings. You can choose what items to export, which ones to display, and how many you want to save. These settings are stored in a container that can be removed via BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo. 2ff7e9595c